This 264,054sf new school will accommodate 1,600 students in grades 9-12, with a core capacity of 1,850 students. Currently, the school will have a 3-story classroom building, a 720 seat auditorium, a 1,280 seat spectator gym, and a 150 seat auxiliary gym along with other typical program spaces. CTE labs will include: Aerospace, Logistics/Transportation, Drafting, Construction Trades and possibly an Avionics lab. To be more efficient with space and classroom utilization, teacher office/workrooms will be provided so that regular type classrooms can be used by other classes while other teachers are in their planning periods. Additionally, a large group learning space will be provided via a “Stairatorium” and small group spaces will be sprinkled about the classroom building. Dining will be mostly informal and mixed in with large circulation spaces with distributed serving options and locations.A football stadium, track and field events, concessions/restroom building, field house, baseball/softball fields and associated storage/restroom building, (6) tennis courts and associated restroom building, (1) band field and (4) practice fields will be provided.
This exciting project will be the largest school Cabarrus County has and will be the first 3-story structure ever utilized in the system.